Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

How To: Algorithmic Music with Ruby, Reaktor, and OSC

The basic idea is to use a sim­ple OSC library avail­able for Ruby to code inter­est­ing music, and have Native Instru­ments’ Reak­tor serve as the sound engine. Tadayoshi Fun­a­ba has an excel­lent site includ­ing all sorts of inter­est­ing Ruby mod­ules.  I grabbed the osc.rb mod­ule and had fun with it. I’m giv­ing a brief pre­sen­ta­tion at the Bay […]

Machinedrum Recursive Sampling Test 02

So this is anoth­er exam­ple of using the MD’s inter­nal sam­pler to cre­ate a recur­sive “feed­back loop” of sam­pling and resam­pling and resam­pling.… This has a ten­den­cy of psy­che­del­i­cal­ly twist­ing the under­ly­ing beat.  The way this stuff sounds has real­ly sur­passed my wildest dreams. MD Recurse Test 02

Machinedrum Recursive Sampling Test 01

This was a first test at using the Machine­drum’s inter­nal sam­pler recur­sive­ly.  I was try­ing to emu­late my frac­tal waveta­bles sounds in hard­ware, as close­ly as the MD could do it.