Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

MiniCommand, Machinedrum, and OS X

So I’ve had a Ruin & Wesen Mini­Com­mand for a lit­tle under a year, but haven’t been using it as much as I would like because it did­n’t inte­grate well with my set­up — until last night. The stan­dard way to use the Mini­Com­mand is to con­nect it in a closed MIDI loop with the device […]

Alien Autopsy Via Sample-Rate Reduction

Here’s a cool sound-design trick. If you want to get a vocal-sound­ing ‘for­mant fil­ter’ effect out of a synth that only has a nor­mal low­pass fil­ter, you can take advan­tage of a quirk of sam­­ple-rate reduc­tion effects to gen­er­ate mul­ti­ple “mir­rored” fil­ter sweeps through the won­der of alias­ing. Here’s a sound clip from my machinedrum […]

Ableton Live, The Machinedrum and The Monomachine (Part 2): Minimizing Latency

In Part one of this series, I post­ed tips for get­ting the Mono­ma­chine and Machine­drum synced and record­ing prop­er­ly with your Live ses­sions. The oth­er half of the equa­tion is which oper­a­tions to avoid that might intro­duce laten­cy and tim­ing errors dur­ing your ses­sions. Able­ton Prints Record­ings Where It Thinks You Heard Them I guess this […]

Ableton Live, The Machinedrum and The Monomachine: Midi Sync Notes

Recent­ly I’ve been (going crazy) get­ting the tim­ing tight between Able­ton and two out­board sequencers — the Elek­tron Mono­ma­chine and Machine­drum.  On their own, these sil­ver box­es have amaz­ing­ly tight tim­ing. They can sync to each oth­er to cre­ate a great live set­up. Add a com­put­er DAW into the loop, and you intro­duce jit­ter, laten­cy, and […]

Machinedrum Recursive Sampling Test 02

So this is anoth­er exam­ple of using the MD’s inter­nal sam­pler to cre­ate a recur­sive “feed­back loop” of sam­pling and resam­pling and resam­pling.… This has a ten­den­cy of psy­che­del­i­cal­ly twist­ing the under­ly­ing beat.  The way this stuff sounds has real­ly sur­passed my wildest dreams. MD Recurse Test 02

Machinedrum Recursive Sampling Test 01

This was a first test at using the Machine­drum’s inter­nal sam­pler recur­sive­ly.  I was try­ing to emu­late my frac­tal waveta­bles sounds in hard­ware, as close­ly as the MD could do it.